18 FEBRUARY 2022
One photograph a day for the whole month of February 2022. Walking by them constantly, every day without noticing. Even if it is the same template used when creating them they do all look different. Worn by weather and walking. Some miss their heads, some their arms or legs. Some are so worn you almost cannot see them. This particular one was in quite good condition. Don't forget to see things, pay attention to the details and the things you see every day. How do the symbols on your walkway look?
27 FEBRUARY 2022
One photograph a day for the whole month of February 2022. Made it outside today also. When the sun is just over the horizon and is about to set. You could get insane shadows at that time. So todays shot is actually a selfie of me standing on asphalt with the sun in my back. Kind of abstract. There are another place near home where the shadows are even longer but only during the summer. Too early for that super long shadow still. Only one day left of this February challenge :-O.
Passing by this one and seeing those skulls faintly in the windows almost scared the crap out of me. But instead of that I gripped my camera and succeeded to get an image of that scary door. A soon as the mirror in the camera turned back to its original position I ran away like a maniac and never looked back.